About Me

Hi! I’m Teri!
I’m sure you’d like to know a little about me before we meet – so here goes!
Warning: This might be the boring part – for the fun part skip to the bullet list at the bottom!
I’m a wife and mother to 4 kiddos – Evan born in 2007, Abigail born in 2010, Olivia born in 2014, and Ellie born in 2021. I have always had a love of photography as long as I can remember (thanks to good ole’ Dad!) and as the years went on I kept studying and practicing. Especially after Evan was born, that was an awesome motivation to improve my photography. I realized that I had a gift and I wanted to share with other people who would benefit from it. After the birth of Abigail, we made the decision for me to pursue my business, and it’s one of the best decisions we ever made. I haven’t looked back since. I love doing what I do!! I am quite the perfectionist when it comes to my art, so you can rest assured that you will get nothing but my best each and every time. I treat your photos the way I would my own – with care and attention to detail. I look at every client as a new friend. I want to get to know you and what makes you “tick”. I can’t wait to hear from you!!
So maybe you want to know a little more about me – here’s a list of the silly and serious
- I love the Lord and 2024 was a coming back to Jesus year for me. <3
- I try to keep up writing in my kids’ journals – it doesn’t always work out that way though.
- I love to sing and my voice is terrible….ask my kids
- I can draw – even though I don’t do it that much anymore.
- I adore my morning coffee!
- I am not afraid to say “I love you”….like all the time!
- I was in the high school color guard and we won state championships in 1997!
- I thrive on learning new things, not just photography related either, I mean everything.
- I love reading and Stephen King is my absolute favorite author!
- I love Peeps!
- I am not one of those girls that collects shoes – and I always hated Crocs – but….my oldest daughter got me into them and now I steal hers!
- I have style when it comes to photography and suggesting clothes for my clients – but my fashion sense, personally, isn’t all that trendy. I’m a t-shirt/sweatshirt and jeans kind of girl! I feel weird when I have to dress up!
- I love my Toyota Corolla and I plan on running that thing right into the ground! – Update in 2024…I pretty much did just that and then had a Subaru, and now a Yukon that I plan on doing the same thing with ;-)
- Oh wow! I could go on forever – but I think that’s good for now – basically I am a down-to-earth girl with pretty simple tastes that just happens to have a knack for photography that I’d like to share with everyone!